Thursday, May 31, 2012

Never too Late to Dream by David Mains

Success starts with a Dream.  When we were little kids, we used to dream on what we want to be when we grow up.  After we finished college, we realized that life is full of surprises, challenges, and sometimes frustrations.  Never too Late to Dream by David Mains is a great book that will mold you spiritually, mentally and emotionally.  It will help you process the Scriptures that you read throughout your 50 Day Spiritual Adventure. Each day, answer a few questions to help you get at the meaning of the biblical text and how it applies to your life.   This journal is not an intensive Bible study guide; it's primarily a tool for life application. Along with the daily Scripture questions, you'll find instructions for practical ways to help you live out the biblical principles you learn.

Along with your Bible, Never too Late to Dream by David Mains is a perfect companion as you fulfill your aspirations in life.

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